Fall Favorites

Hello everyone! I hope y’all are enjoying your week! Since it is now officially fall (at least where I am), the weather is FINALLY starting to cool down and I am very happy about it! Fall is definitely my favorite season, so I thought it would be fun to share some of my favorite things about fall.

The weather is what I enjoy the most about fall. By the time school starts, I am pretty tired of the 90 and 100-degree heat, so when it starts to cool down, even into the 70s and 80s (although 50s and 60s is the best!), I am very happy. Additionally, my birthday and Thanksgiving are in the fall season, so those are always fun to celebrate. I enjoy all the activities that come with fall: hikes, pumpkin patches, corn mazes, and more! I also love wearing leggings and sweaters, so it’s always fun to put together cute and cozy outfits to wear. I have a few fall recipes that I like to make as well, so I get to do that during the colder months too! Also, once fall is over, it’s winter and that means it’s Christmas time!!!

That’s about it for this post! What is your favorite season and why? What is your favorite thing about your least favorite season? Talk to y’all next week!

Published by Heidi

Hello! My name is Heidi! I am a Christian who believes that everyone should have the opportunity to hear the Gospel. Some of my hobbies include camping, gymnastics, animals, art, rock climbing, and blogging. I have an 10-year-old labradoodle named Silas and a 4-year-old cat named Smudge. You can learn more about me and my blog on my about page on heidilane1.wordpress.com. Thanks for stopping by!

7 thoughts on “Fall Favorites

  1. Heyyyy👋. Hope you’re doing well🤸‍♀️!
    I was wondering, in America, is the actual name for Autumn, “Fall” or is “Fall” a nickname🍁?
    Oh my word, y’all have so many fun activities for Autumn/Fall though😂. During Autumn we’re just wanting to stay inside so the wind doesn’t blow us away and when we do go outside, we’re looking to step on every crunchy, dried up leaf in sight😆. You know, I actually don’t have a favourite season. We are in Spring right now though and my favourite things about Spring is firstly, the warmer weather (though at times it feels more like summer rather than spring😹). Secondly, all the flowers 🤩!

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    1. Hello! Sorry, I’m just getting to this. Here, I feel like we use “Autumn” and “Fall” interchangeably, but I think fall is used more often. I’m not sure I knew you were in a different country; if you’re comfortable sharing, what country do you live in? I agree, stepping on crunchy leaves is so much fun and the warm spring weather is always nice after a chilly winter!

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