Advice From You

In this post, I talked about how God comforted me with a real life analogy. I am going through what feels like a lot of change right now, so I wanted you guys to give your advice on going through change and other hard times. Not just for me, but for others too.

Only one person gave advice. And that person is…


Thank you for giving your advice!

Here is what she said.

Change is hard. I know from experience. But here’s some advice that has helped me throughout the years. I’ve always loved the saying everything happens for a reason. When I’m struggling, I try to find the positive. If something is changing for you whether it be moving, a new sibling, a new school, or something else, there will always be a positive. Also, remember that you are loved and you ARE NOT ALONE. Stay strong and keep on being a light to others. ❤

Wasn’t that great? Thanks again!

Because I wanted to include more to this post, I’ve decided to share some motivational, inspirational, and amazing posts from other bloggers around the blogosphere. Enjoy!

Believe In Yourself!

Jesus Loves You & Me

Words Of Encouragement

Tough Times Never Last!

When life is hard, read this 💛

God’s Greatness

Fear Not!

The Rain

I hope you guys enjoyed Alexa’s advice and all of these other posts!

Stay strong! You are not alone!

If anyone would like to put their advice in the comments, they are welcome to do so!

Published by Heidi

Hello! My name is Heidi! I am a Christian who believes that everyone should have the opportunity to hear the Gospel. Some of my hobbies include camping, gymnastics, animals, art, rock climbing, and blogging. I have an 10-year-old labradoodle named Silas and a 4-year-old cat named Smudge. You can learn more about me and my blog on my about page on Thanks for stopping by!

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